Tuesday, July 24, 2018



Vantum is an ethash algorithm chain, that takes all of what ethereum is and optimizes it’s features for practical mainstream adoption and day-to-day use. The purpose of Vantum is not to simply create a better cryptocurrency, but to create a more useful blockchain that developers can utilize to build applications that bridge the gap between mainstream fiat transactions and faster, more secure, cryptocurrency.

The Vantum blockchain features :

fiat-relay smart contracts that enable trustless crypto-fiat transactions
service masternodes to produce highly-scalable, high-throughput, applications.
public storage utilizing IPFS for public storage of files and content
web3 mobile browser integration
ANS (Address Name Service) that allows custom domain name for wallet addresses
This list will constantly evolve as the network grows, and will always do so with the sole purpose of mainstream integration, in mind.

Best Features
With all the cryptocurrencies on the market today, what makes Vantum any different of an investment?

Ethereum 3.0Ethash Masternode Network
Vantum will only be the second coin on market to implement masternodes, on the Ethash algorithm. Taking the ethereum network, to the next level of security and operability for developers utilizing the chain.

Highly ScalableLimitless Applications
4-levels of masternodes that secure the network and decentralize content and file storage for applications built on the chain.

Truly Solution-OrientedCrypto-Fiat Co-operation
With Vantum we aim to build a suite of features that specifically serve to facilitate crypto-fiat transactions and interactions in a way that is complimentary, not competitive. This will only help to introduce more users to crypto, and make it easier for those in crypto to utilize it to it fullest potential, day-to-day.

Introducing VantX
VantX is the first decentralized application produced on the Vantum blockchain and built to enable both small and large businesses globally to engage with their customers in the crypto economy, whilst still earning its primary revenue in government-backed fiat currency. We do this by building a platform for the tokenization of corporate customer rewards and providing a system for interoperability between other corporate reward tokens on the network.

  1. The Platform will earn feature an integrated Web3 browser.
  2. A fully integrated mobile wallet for corporate rewards tokens as well as traditional cryptocurrencies
  3. An online marketplace to purchase and spend rewards tokens and crypto.
  4. The VantX app brings everything that the Vantum Network is to the hands of
    Vantum Network users everywhere.
Tokenization Benefits
With the VantX platform, retailers are able to create their own tokenized rewards. Using the easy to use reward creation system, retailers will have access to a multitude of features in order to produce a truly tailored rewards programs, allowing retailers to:
Set parameters for token distribution based on fiat spending, and other
measures including: membership anniversary, size of purchase, customer
birthday, frequency of purchase etc.
Create and promote services, events and products that can only be paid
for using tokens.
Create their own market for tokens by re-selling them in-store, online or in-app
Create bounty campaigns that reward customers with tokensin exchange for support of corporate marketing efforts.

Tokenization Benefits
With the VantX platform, retailers are able to create their own tokenized rewards. Using the easy to use reward creation system, retailers will have access to a multitude of features in order to produce a truly tailored rewards programs, allowing retailers to :
  • Set parameters for token distribution based on fiat spending, and other
    measures including : membership anniversary, size of purchase, customer
    birthday, frequency of purchase etc.
  • Create and promote services, events and products that can only be paid for using tokens.
  • Create their own market for tokens by re-selling them in-store, online or in-app
  • Create bounty campaigns that reward customers with tokensin exchange for support of corporate marketing efforts.
Token Info
  • Token Symbol : VNT
  • Token Sale Start : 24 July 2018
  • Token Sale End : 30 October 2018
  • Tokens for sale : 2,500,000
  • Token Price : .00166 ETH
  • Max circulating supply : 21,000,000
  • Pre-Sale duration : 40 days

Road Map

  1. Q3
    Whitepaper Development Website Release Pre-Sale & ICO Coin Distribution
  2. Q4
    Exchange Listings Mining Pool First Partnership Announcement Service Masternode Implementation First dApps begin development (VantX) Web Wallet Development
  3. Q1 '19
    Web3 Mobile Browser Vantum dApp store POS API Development Merchant whitelist open for registration
  4. Q2 '19
    VantX POS API Integration VantX Mobile App Beta Omnii VC Fund
For More Information : 

Author : kertasi
ETH : 0x73bBf76D7499Ca2A930095355184b798b2c31C5A


Jibbit creates an ecosystem network for connecting the global cannabis community with the crypto-world. The world is to make the cannabis market completely independent of the financial system and its influence. Using Blockchain technology, they demonstrate the value of this revolutionary movement of the crypto community.

Blockchain provides technological tools for building a Jibbit ecosystem. In this network consumers, manufacturers and suppliers can find each other. Each transaction is stored in an encrypted form in Blockchain and is available to everyone as needed. Change or falsification of the data stored in Blockchain is almost impossible.

Hasil gambar untuk jibbit bounty

Manufacturers and suppliers need a way to quickly and reliably deliver their goods and services to the consumer. The Jibbit marker is used as a means of payment in the Jibbit network. A strong marker for a growing community.

One of the main features used by Jibbit is the Blockchain technology. This makes payments on the platform transparent, anonymous and as secure as possible for all parties involved. Other criteria include reducing operational and commercial costs and simplifying the procurement process. Decentralization, globalization and the opportunities provided by the use of crypto-currencies in the network are our competitive advantages over other companies that have similar solutions on the market.

Those who pay in the Jibbit market by jibbit tokens indirectly benefit from the discount. The seller pays a discount for sale in the Jibbit ecosystem. Savings made by the seller are deducted directly from the invoice amount to the customer. Another feature is the special offers that Jibbit publishes along with the dealers. They are shown only to customers who use a purse with Jibbit tokens on our platform.

This makes the Jibbit token more attractive to customers and makes it the preferred means of payment on the platform. Companies can create intuitive backend programs, a store with their products and prices. Registration and listing of products for companies are absolutely free. Customers can also register for free. Thanks to our intelligent import interface, the store owner can import his assortment into the Jibbit system in just a few clicks. Jibbit only collects a small commission from sales. It is also planned to distribute high-yield products Jibbit.

Jibbit has already convinced numerous companies in the cannabis industry to list their products in the Jibbit market in the future. At the planned testing stage, it is expected that the proposed portfolio will begin with a convincing product range. 

The goal of Jibbit is to connect the rapidly growing cannabis industry with the crypto-world and make the benefits of Blockchain technology available. He must make payments by crypto-currencies around the world, suitable for everyday use. In addition, Jibbit GmbH together with its partners is working on further blocking decisions in the field of payment and healthcare, primarily to promote the use of crypto currency. Attention is also focused on the Jibbit token to securely anchor it in the crypto world and give it an auxiliary role.

Jibbit GmbH is working on several software solutions for the cannabis market, with three main sectors.
  1. JIBBIT Marketplace - The climatic equipment, shop for patients, consumers and manufacturers. Fast, cheap and safe payments. 
  2. JIBBIT Runner. Cannabis delivery service : You can order hemp from home. Huge selection and controlled origin of authorized dealers. 
  3. JIBBIT Doc. Patients, doctors and pharmacists are all on the same network. More anonymity, a higher level of security. Blockchain is based on solutions for the medical sector.
Token Info
  • Name Token : JIB 
  • Token Token : Utility Token 
  • Platform : Ethereum 
  • Total Emission : 700,000,000 
  • Tokens for sale : 420,000,000 
  • Price for Jibbit Token : $ 0.05 USD 
  • Softcap : $ 1.000.000 USD 
  • Hardcap : $ 18.000.000 USD
Jibbit Ecosystem

JIBBiT project which seeks to develop on the basis of the blockade ecosystem for the hemp industry and work in a legalized way. It is aimed at bringing decentralization and anonymity and building an ecosystem with crypto-currencies for the cannabis industry.

For Mor Information :

Author : kertasi
ETH : 0x73bBf76D7499Ca2A930095355184b798b2c31C5A

Thursday, July 19, 2018


Hasil gambar untuk contractium bounty

Contractium adalah salah satu proyek perangkat lunak yang menjalankan kontrak cerdas terdesentralisasi berdasarkan Ethereum, yang berjalan persis seperti yang diprogram tanpa kemungkinan downtime, penyensoran, penipuan atau campur tangan pihak ketiga, serta perangkat lunak terdesentralisasi yang menjalankan kontrak pintar berdasarkan pada Platform Ethereum Smart Contract .

Hal ini memungkinkan perusahaan komersial dan pengguna untuk menciptakan pasar, menyimpan catatan hutang atau janji, memindahkan dana sesuai dengan instruksi jangka panjang (seperti surat wasiat atau kontrak berjangka) dan banyak item yang dirahasiakan lainnya, semuanya tanpa perantara atau mitra berisiko.

Proyek ini akan melakukan bootstrap melalui kehadiran tanda CTU pada Maret 2018 oleh para kontributor di seluruh dunia.


Mengapa kita membuat CTU ?
Teknologi blockchain Ethereum didasarkan pada algoritma Proof-of-Work (PoW) dan sekarang berencana untuk beralih ke Proof of Stake (PoS).
Itulah mengapa kami membuat Contractium, yang didasarkan pada Ethereum dengan algoritma Proof-of-Contract (PoC).

Bagaimana cara CTU dibuat?
CTU adalah elemen yang harus dimiliki, bahan bakar, - nilai kontrak -, untuk menandatangani kontrak komersial cerdas pada aplikasi Kontraktor.
CTU adalah bentuk pembayaran serta kontrak, dibuat oleh contracter dan kontraktor (pelanggan dan bisnis) ketika mereka melanjutkan perjanjian; memesan; memesan layanan online / offline.
CTU adalah insentif yang pasti untuk membuat prosedur operasional antara pihak 02, pada Contratium blockchain berdasarkan, dapat dipercaya dan salah satu dari mereka dapat memperoleh nilai tambahan CTU kembali dengan kebijakan penghargaan dari jaringan CTU.

Total pasokan CTU dan tingkat penerbitannya akan diputuskan oleh presale gathering. Hasilnya akan kira-kira:
  1. 900 juta CTU akan dibuat untuk kontributor presale.
  2. 200 Juta CTUS akan dibuat untuk dana pembangunan, sebagian besar untuk diberikan kepada kontributor awal dan tim Pendiri dan Pengembangan.
  3. 200 Juta CTUS akan dibuat untuk tim dan mitra di seluruh dunia.
  4. 200 Juta CTUS akan dibuat untuk platform bisnis bisnis di seluruh dunia.

Token CTU adalah bahan bakar utama dari jaringan Contractium. yang memungkinkan pengembangan penuh dari Contractium Foundation. Untuk mendukung masa depan blockchain, kontrak cerdas, perusahaan dengan lanjutan ICO (Initial Coin Offering), sebagai berikut detail CTU:

Apakah pasokan CTU tidak terbatas ? Tidak.
Total pasokan :
Untuk penjualan : 1.500.000.000

Memfasilitasi transaksi dalam jaringan contractium secara digital. Aktifkan dan verifikasi kontrak cerdas untuk pengguna umum dengan mudah & aman.
  • TOTAL SUPPLY : 300.000.000
  • UNTUK DIJUAL : 150.000.000
  • HARGA ICO : 01 ETH = 15.000 CTU
  • PRE-PENJUALAN & ICO : 900.000.000
  • CTU TEAM & PARTNER : 300.000.000
  • YAYASAN RESERVED : 100.000.000
  • PLATFORM BISNIS : 100.000.000
  • BOUNTY & MARKETING : 200.000.000
Informasi Lebih Lanjut silahkan klik link di bawah ini :
Situs Resmi : https://contractium.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/contractium
Telegram: https://t.me/contractium
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/contractium.io/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/contractium-io/
Saluran Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdNLXQrp7sn6lNeqOYOz_wQ

Penulis : kertasi
Eth : 0x73bBf76D7499Ca2A930095355184b798b2c31C5A

Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Hasil gambar untuk autobay ico

Tentang AutoBay

Autobay memungkinkan Anda membeli, menjual, dan melelang mobil baru dan bekas dari penjual dan dealer pribadi dari seluruh dunia di lingkungan e-commerce blockchain terbesar. Anda akan dapat membayar dengan cryptocurrency untuk keamanan proses pembayaran gratis tunai.

Autobay akan memungkinkan ulasan pengguna untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang ideal agar transaksi aman dan aman terjadi, memungkinkan pembeli mendapatkan ulasan tentang penjual dan dealer. Penjual di sisi lain akan meningkatkan penjualan mereka melalui platform pembeli.

Autobay adalah platform e-commerce pertama berdasarkan pada blockchain Ethereum yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk menjual, membeli, dan melelang kendaraan menggunakan cryptocurrency sebagai metode pembayaran. Setiap tahun lebih dari 80.000.000 mobil baru dijual di seluruh dunia dan hanya di AS lebih dari 100.000 mobil bekas dijual setiap hari, melalui proses berbasis uang tunai yang usang. Visi Autobay adalah menciptakan nilai nyata untuk cryptocurrency yang memungkinkan mereka bertindak sebagai aset finansial untuk membeli barang (kendaraan dalam kasus ini) sambil memecahkan masalah sehari-hari industri mobil, menciptakan proses yang jauh lebih aman, lebih sederhana dan aman. Tujuan utama Autobay adalah menciptakan legitimasi pasar dengan memungkinkan penggunaan Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) dan Autobay Tokens (ABX) sebagai aset keuangan untuk memperoleh barang (mobil, truk dan sepeda motor).


Ketika membeli kendaraan baru setidaknya titik di beberapa titik harus membawa mata uang FIAT secara tunai, baik dari atau ke bank atau dari rumah mereka ke dealer yang melibatkan proses stres dan tidak aman. Ketika membeli mobil bekas, kami menyadari bahwa seluruh industri didasarkan pada kebijakan penjualan tunai saja, menciptakan ketidakpastian yang lebih besar selama proses tersebut. Selanjutnya, ketika membeli mobil bekas dari penjual pribadi, di mana penjual yang tidak diketahui mengklaim memiliki mobil yang mereka inginkan dan membuat transaksi tunai dalam situasi yang sangat tidak nyaman. Risiko seperti kehilangan uang, dirampok, pembayaran dengan catatan palsu dan waktu yang hilang adalah bagian dari risiko yang terlibat dalam pembayaran tunai. Selama 100 tahun terakhir, proses pembelian kendaraan telah menjadi bagian yang sama, dan sudah usang dan tidak aman. proses.


Autobay adalah platform e-commerce yang dipatenkan yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk mempublikasikan produk mereka secara online menggunakan cryptocurrency sebagai metode pembayaran. Autobay menciptakan pengalaman yang jauh lebih sederhana dan lebih aman saat membeli kendaraan, memungkinkan orang untuk membeli mobil hanya dengan 3 langkah mudah dan aman.

Langkah pertama, orang tersebut harus menemukan merek, model, tahun, millage, kisaran harga dan lokasi spesifik (radius dalam km).

Langkah kedua, ketika seseorang menemukan mobil yang mereka inginkan, hanya biasa saja mereka mengatakan saya tertarik, itu berarti mereka bersedia mengunjungi lokasi di mana kendaraan itu berada, untuk menilai mobil. Dengan menekan tombol saya tertarik, kedua pihak, penjual, dan pembeli saling menerima informasi profil masing-masing.

Langkah ketiga, dan yang paling penting, ketika seseorang setuju untuk membeli kendaraan tidak perlu pembayaran tunai, satu-satunya hal yang harus dilakukan pembeli adalah membuka aplikasi Autobay Terdesentralisasi pada perangkat seluler mereka, masuk ke menu "Saya tertarik" , di mana daftar semua mobil tertarik pada pembeli, ia kemudian mencari pos di mobil tertentu yang ingin ia beli, dan melalui dompet yang disematkan di Dapp, ia dapat melakukan setoran lanjutan atau pembayaran penuh, pilih cryptocurrency dia ingin membayar dan menekan tombol "Beli", dia menciptakan Kontrak Cerdas dalam Ethereum Blockchain yang membayar mobil.


Autobay Dapp dan situs web memungkinkan Anda untuk mencari mobil yang Anda inginkan, menambahkan filter untuk menyesuaikan pencarian Anda yaitu untuk merek, model, tahun, jarak tempuh dan jarak sehingga Anda dapat menyesuaikan untuk menemukan hasil mobil, sepeda motor atau truk dalam yaitu radius 20 mil.

Begitu Anda menemukan mobil yang Anda minati, dengan mengklik "Saya tertarik" Anda mendapatkan alamat penjual dan profil dan penjual mendapatkan informasi profil Anda, jadi dia tahu sebelumnya siapa yang akan mengunjungi mobil. Berbagi informasi transparan ini membantu kedua belah pihak dalam pengambilan keputusan dan organisasi. Khususnya dealer akan dapat mengevaluasi permintaan setiap kendaraan

Setelah Anda melihat mobil dan Anda memutuskan untuk membelinya, tidak perlu uang tunai! Autobay memungkinkan Anda memberikan pembayaran lanjutan atau membayar langsung dengan Token Autobay (ABX), Bitcoin (BTC) atau Ethereum (ETH) tanpa perlu pembayaran tunai, menjadikan Autobay cara termudah dan teraman untuk membeli mobil.

    Pembayaran & transaksi yang aman & aman antar pihak
    Aman & aman pembayaran & transaksi antar pihak. 
  • Biaya rendah dengan ABX, BTC, dan ETH
    Token digunakan sebagai pembayaran untuk pembelian kendaraan dan daftar mobil pada platform perdagangan kami
    Promosi, diskon, dan hadiah akan diberikan kepada pengguna yang membayar dengan ABX melalui cryptocurrency lainnya
    Verifikasi pengguna melalui media sosial, nomor ponsel
    Bebas stres karena tidak memerlukan pembayaran tunai, transaksi mudah dan sederhana.
    Pengguna akan ditinjau untuk membuat komunitas menjadi lebih baik dan lebih adil.
    Blockchain memastikan registri yang solid untuk setiap detail transaksi

  2. HEART = ABX 
  3. HARD CAP = $ 24,000,000 
  4. TOKEN TYPE = ERC20 
  5. HARGA ICO = ETH 0,0001 
  6. EMISSION TOKEN = 945,000,000 ABX 
  1. Hingga 08 Mei 47% 
  2. 09 Mei - 08 Juni 37% 
  3. 26 Juni - 09 Juli 27% 
  4. 10 - 23 Juli 17% 
  5. 24 Juli - 06 Agustus 7%
  6. Token dijual 510.300.000

Info investasi
  1. Min. investasi 200 USD 
  2. Menerima ETH, BTC 
  3. Didistribusikan di ICO 54% 
  4. Soft cap 1.000.000 USD 
  5. Hard cap 24.000.000 USD

Peta jalan
  • Q1 2017
    Konsep produk dikembangkan. Perusahaan didirikan, Team Assembled.
  • Q2 2017
    Situs web dan Dapp dirancang.
  • Q3 2017
    Advisors bergabung dengan tim. Situs Beta Autobay mengembangkan MVP.
  • Q4 2017
    Autobay ABX Token dibuat.
    Situs web Tokensale dikembangkan.
  • Q1 2018
    Autobay dipromosikan di situs web dan Jaringan Sosial.
  • Q2 2017
    Peluncuran Awal & Crowdsale.
    Lelang Hadiah yang diberikan.
  • Q3 2018
    Platform terdesentralisasi dan Percobaan Dapp Beta. Kampanye pemasaran untuk platform.
  • Q4 2018
    Situs web Autobay & Peluncuran Platform Dapp.
Kampanye Pemasaran Q1 2019 untuk Lelang Autobay.
  • Q2 2019
    Peluncuran platform Lelang.
  • Q3 2019
    Menawarkan 3 produsen Mobil sebuah Toko Resmi di dalam platform untuk menguji selama 4 bulan.
Kampanye Pemasaran Q4 2019 untuk 3 Toko Resmi tersebut.
  • Q1 2020
    Meluncurkan 3 Toko Resmi pada
    pengujian beta selama 4 bulan.
  • Q2 2020
    Menawarkan mobil lain memproduksi kemungkinan membuka Toko Resmi.
  • Q4 2020
    Meluncurkan Toko Resmi untuk Produsen Mobil dalam platform.
Kampanye Pemasaran Q3 2020 untuk Toko Resmi.

Untuk Informasi Lebih Lanjut Silahkan Klik Link Di Bawah ini :
Situs web: https://www.autobay.io/
Whitepaper: https://www.autobay.io/whitepaper
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Autobay.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com / Autobayio
Telegram: https://t.me/autobaybounty

Penulis: kertasi
Eth: 0x73bBf76D7499Ca2A930095355184b798b2c31C5A

Sunday, May 20, 2018


Hasil gambar untuk volt ico

Heutzutage wächst die Entwicklung des Versanddienstleistungsgeschäfts rasant. Diese Entwicklung markiert das Auftreten einer Reihe von neuen Unternehmen in den letzten Jahren in der gleichen Branche, die Versand-Service-Industrie beschäftigt ist. Der Anstieg war ein wenig viel über die Logistik der Schifffahrt Aktivitäten Hand in Hand mit der Entwicklung der Unternehmenswelt und auch die rasante Entwicklung des E-Commerce-Geschäft, das stark mit der Lieferung der Dienstleistungsbranche verbunden ist. Die Existenz der Entwicklung der Marktnachfrage nach der Nachfrage nach Service Delivery, der Hintergrund mehr Geschäftsleute, die in der Branche mit Service Delivery beschäftigt sind. Das aktuelle Geschäft im Zeitalter der Informationstechnologie ermöglicht den Vertrieb der Produkte von der Großstadt zum Kleinstadtmarkt und umgekehrt.

Anhand dieser Daten kann festgestellt werden, dass das Luftfrachtgeschäft eine sehr große Chance darstellt. Daher hat es jetzt die Technologie der Warenlieferungs-Plattform-basierten Blockchain gegeben, die den Vorteil gibt, dass der Versand am selben Tag ist. Diese Plattform wird Volt genannt. Um mehr über das Volt zu erfahren, siehe unten.

Was ist ein VOLT?
Volt ist eine P2P Delivery Platform basierend auf 'Blockchain'. Es gibt so viel Charme auf dem Liefergebiet heute auf der ganzen Welt. Send Work Item war riskant und es spart wirklich Zeit. Überlegen Sie, ob wir ein Paket von jemandem zu weit bringen wollen. Dies wird mehr Geld überladen und verschwenden Ihre Zeit ist wertvoller als wir sind. Versand ein paar dauert mehr als 1 Tag und wir konnten nicht mehr als 2 Tage warten, um jetzt zu verpacken. In diesem Fall stehen wir wegen dringender dringender Mittel vor so vielen Problemen.

Der VOLT basiert auf Blocking-Technologie und in Kombination mit intellektuellen Verträgen und der Eliminierung der Abhängigkeit von zentralisierten System zwischen Banken, die schlecht organisiert sind, die die Kosten für die Versorgung von Kunden erheblich reduzieren. Auf der anderen Seite werden Kurierdienste und Reedereien höhere Einnahmen haben. VOLT sorgt nicht nur dafür, dass Kuriere höhere Erträge erzielen, sondern der VOLT beseitigt auch die technischen Beschränkungen, die es jedem erlauben, das System zu nutzen. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht es die Nutzung des riesigen Pools von Kurieren, einschließlich rückseitiger Partner, oder derjenigen, die sich einen zweiten Job wünschen. Zusätzlich kann das Auftragsanpassungs-System weiter durch einen Kurier-Lieferradiusaufbau in Übereinstimmung mit der Wahl des Transportmittels erleichtert werden.

Lieferung am selben Tag
Versand am selben Tag Lieferzeit verkürzen die VOLT in 1-5, während 1-3 Tage im Online-Shopping-Center. Der Hub ist das System, das alle Artikel, die versandt werden sollen, sammelt und sammelt, sie gruppiert und dann an ihr Ziel sendet. Dies bedeutet, dass jedes Paket, das von der 32. Straße zur 54. Straße in Manhattan, NY, geschickt wird, zur Klassifizierung nach Delaware geschickt und nach Manhattan zurückgeschickt wird. Dies ist zeitaufwendig und erhöht auch die Lagerkosten.

Um diesen Mangel zu beheben, ein Kurier, der in der Nähe der Straße zu-32 befindet nur zusammengestellt, was in die Nähe gesendet werden soll und sendet es als P2P, so dass es in wenigen Stunden geliefert werden kann.

  • Dezentral
    VOLT ist eine dezentrale Plattform. Es gibt keine Vermittler oder Vermittler, was zu niedrigeren Gebühren für die Kunden führt und auch die Gewinne für den Hausmeister maximiert.
  • Transparenz
    Im VOLT bieten wir eine transparente Umgebung. Alle Kunden und Kurier- oder Lieferfirmen haben den Vorteil der Privatsphäre und Transparenz der Kosten und Ausgaben.
  • Sicherheit
    Ein sicheres Zahlungssystem, das es zwei bestätigten P2P-Unternehmen ermöglicht, bis zum erfolgreichen Austausch von Diensten zwischen den beiden Seiten Geld, das im Token VOLTS gehalten wird, zu senden und zu empfangen.
Wie funktioniert es?
Das Geschäftsmodell der VOLT verbindet Kunden und Kuriere, und bietet maßgeschneiderte Algorithmen mit Big Data und Matching-System, das intelligente Verträge für die Bereitstellung von Dienstleistungen verwendet, die einfach ist. Kunden benötigen Münzen VOLT für die Nutzung dieses Dienstes.

Wenn die Lieferung von Lebensmitteln, Waren, Lieferdistanz, benötigte Zeit, unter Berücksichtigung des Gewichts der Ware wird nach dem Schwierigkeitsgrad der Arbeit bestimmt werden. Wir nennen das Arbeitseinheiten "Jula". Zum Beispiel, wenn ein Kunde die Waren an den benannten Punkt in einer Meile Entfernung senden möchte, benötigen Sie 600 Jula, und 1200 Jula ist verpflichtet, die gleichen Waren an den 6 km entfernten Punkt B zu senden. VOLT entwickelt einen optimalen Algorithmus, um den Arbeitsaufwand zu berechnen, und wird ein System der Auktion (Auktion) für eine spezielle Lieferung einführen.

VOLT-Münze erforderlich, damit Käufer nach Service-Lieferung fragen können. Das heißt, um eine Anzahl von Leistung Jula, VOLT-Münze entsprechend dieser Verwendung zu verlangen. Das Verhältnis dieser Münzen zu Jula VOLT ist nicht immer konstant. Das Verhältnis der ersten zur Münze der Jula VOLT beginnt bei 1: 1. Das Verhältnis kann entsprechend den Preisen auf dem Markt geändert werden.

Überzeugende Gründe Wählen Sie VOLT
Sehr viele ähnliche Modelle spielen eine Rolle als Provider Control Center und erhielten einen Preis von 20% oder mehr. Direct Offers Modell VOLTS P2P ist ein effektives Modell, das darauf abzielt, Maklergebühren zu reduzieren, indem die direkten Kosten für Kunden und Kuriere auf weniger als 5% reduziert werden oder sogar in der Hoffnung, vollständig zu eliminieren.

Bei dem bestehenden Liefermodell handelt es sich um ein zentrales Modell mit einem System von Hubs, darunter auch "Sprechen & DHL", das die weltweiten Beschaffungsmärkte dominiert. Es kann jedoch die Bedürfnisse der Schifffahrt am selben Tag nicht erfüllen. Volt ist ein P2P-Bereitstellungsmodell, das auf einem System von Blöcken basiert, das die Beschränkung bei der Lieferung am selben Tag effizienter löst als das vorhandene Modell.

Die Stärke des Projekts :
  • Das Team verifiziert, professionell und signifikant. Im Grunde ein Team von sehr jungen Studenten und jungen Absolventen, der CEO ein wenig mehr Erfahrung. Der Lieferservice der letzten Meile war bereits im Team;
  • Das Team hat die Vision, ein Managementsystem zu entwickeln, das den Token für die Fertigstellung des Lieferdienstnetzwerkes nutzt. Der Dienstleistungssektor in einer sich verändernden Welt wird natürlich einen starken Anstieg der Nachfrage haben. Ein skalierbares Geschäftsmodell vor Ort hat ein enormes Wachstumspotenzial;
  • In Unternehmen, in denen das Projekt funktioniert, gibt es einige Investitionspartner und viele bestehende Kunden.
Token & ICO
  1. Token : VOLT (ACDC);
  2. Plattform : Ethereum;
  3. Typ : ERC20;
  4. Preis : 50.000 ACDC = 1ETH;
  5. Hauptverkauf : 10.05.18 - 31.05.2018
  6. Anzahl der Token : 1 200 000 000ACDC
  7. Mögliche Anhänge : ETH
  8. Weiche Kappe : 200 000 000ACDC
  9. Harte Kappe : 2 000 000 000ACDC
  10. Land : Singapur;
  11. Teilnahmebeschränkungen : China, USA.
Verkaufs- und Bonuspläne

Für weitere Informationen, besuchen Sie bitte folgenden Link :


Author : kertasi
Eth : 0x73bBf76D7499Ca2A930095355184b798b2c31C5A

Thursday, April 12, 2018

BETEX - PLatform Yang Menguntungkan Pengguna

Hasil gambar untuk betex bounty

Halo semuanya hari ini saya akan menjelaskan tentang BETEX sebuah platform terdepan di perdagangan derivatif keungan Peer to Peer. yang mungkin mempertarukan untuk masa depan satu sama lain. Tapi BETEX tidak akan ikut serta dlam taruhan BETEX hanya menyediakan layanan saja.

Cara kerja BETEX ada 6 yaitu :

BETEX mempunyai Model bisnis yang bisa membuat pola pikir bagi pengguna dari kekawatiran integritas platform untuk berfokus pada kapasitas sendri untuk menghasilkan keuntungan.
BETEX juga adalah satu-satunya platform yang dimna dari 95% dan didistribusikan untuk perdagangan dan itu sangat sukses.

BETEX juga memiliki 2 platform yang mempermudah pengertian tentang konsep di balik kumpulan liquiditas umumdan untuk mendemostrasikan cara kerjanya yaitu :
  1. GoBet.io 
  2. Betex.io
  • Token BETEX
  • Platform Ethereum
  • Tipe ERC20
  • Harga preICO 1 BETEX = 2 USD
  • Harga di ICO 1 BETEX = 3 USD
  • Token dijual 3.000.000
Distribusi token BETEX
  • 5% Pra-Penjualan Token Putaran 1
  • 15% Pra-Penjualan Token Putaran 2
  • 30% Penjualan Token
  • 10% Cadangan untuk broker (Vesting selama 6 bulan)
  • 8% Cadangan
  • 2% Bounty
  • 30% Pendiri dan tim (Vesting selama 6 bulan)
Distribusi dana BETEX
  • 40% Pengembangan Platform
  • 15% Pemasaran
  • 15% Dukungan Hukum
  • 15% Biaya Operasional
  • 5% Penelitian
  • 10% Cadangan
LIHAT Video Official BETEX

Untuk lebih jelas silahkan lihat di web dan contact BETEX di bawah ini :
Situs Resmi : https://betexlab.com/

Penulis : kertasi
Eth : 0x73bBf76D7499Ca2A930095355184b798b2c31C5A

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Hasil gambar untuk midex ico review 

MIDEX. Schimbul de active digitale și platforma financiară. Printre proiectele de vârf ale Midex se numără deja schimbul de monedă de valori criptocurrency, care funcționează deja sub licență. MIDEX Deci, acum este o platformă găzduită pentru: 1. MIDEX Exchange 100% schimb juridic API deschise tranzacțiile comerciale non-stop pe cheile private de blockchain sunt întotdeauna accesibile pentru clienții de schimb agregator pentru arbitraj simplu 2. carduri de debit bancare MIDEX ATM-uri proprii serviciul de escrow 3. Midex Trust fund. Piata de administrare a activelor 4. Midex Credit P2P credit marketplace 5. Dezvoltare Midex Business Blockchain pentru companii. Să facem împreună! Alăturați-vă vânzărilor Token!

Prima platformă financiară cripto-financiară inovatoare
instrumente și servicii MIDEX furnizează soluții unice pe baza blockchain, which nu are analogii existente în lume și oferă soluții revoluționare în ceea ce privește consolidarea lumii cryptocurrencies clasice și a sistemelor de finanțare. Combinația de rețele neuronale și inteligente contracte controlează majoritatea proceselor din cadrul ecosistemului MIDEX, eliminând astfel posibilitatea de greșeli și compromisuri.

Schimb unic de criptare a valutei
Midex Exchange este un serviciu non-stop pentru accesul pe piața criptocurităților, respectând toate normele legale. Avantajele sale incontestabile: instrumente de analiză a comerțului, burse de tranzacționare, semnale ale comercianților cu experiență și abilitatea de a lovi oferte personale cu alți utilizatori.

Unificat centru de gestionare a activelor
Acces rapid la active prin internet banking și aplicații pentru iOS, Android și Windows Phone. Centrul pentru gestionarea finanțelor, care reunește designul intuitiv și o platformă modernă pentru trimiterea și primirea de transferuri, taxare, operațiuni de schimb, conturi și investiții.

Conectarea conturilor externe
Primul serviciu în vrăjitoare mondială vă oferă posibilitatea de a conecta alte conturi de servicii financiare și schimburi Criptomonedă cu gestionarea ulterioară de către aceștia din contul MIDEX. Control complet al activelor de la un punct folosind chei private API.

Agregator de cotatii la bursa
Monitorizarea clară a cotațiilor schimburilor mondiale de criptografie cu notificări personalizate ale evenimentelor și un sistem avansat de analiză tehnică.

Toate schimburile de criptocurențe într-un singur loc
Centrul de tranzacționare centralizat cu criptocuritate nu are analogii în lume și vă permite să lucrați cu piețele de criptograme pentru o singură interfață. Câștigați între diferența dintre cursurile de schimb. Schimbul rapid de active între piețe, depunerea la distanță de distribuție a ordinelor și retragerea fondurilor, istoricul comerțului.

Securitatea sistemului Midex
Pe baza cercetărilor privind securitatea pieței, Midex a reușit să reunească un sistem de securitate fără egal oriunde. Ea ține cont de potențialele amenințări de orice fel care ar putea compromite datele sau ar putea duce la furtul de fonduri.

Principiul depozitării la rece
Activele de criptare de bază sunt stocate în afara internetului în portofelele la rece, cheile cărora sunt distribuite în mai multe părți și salvate separat. portofelele de agregare de zi cu zi sunt utilizate pentru operațiunile curente, valoarea fondurilor de ei este limitată de posibilele nevoi zilnice ale sistemului, și surplusurile sunt trimise la depozitare la rece în mod automat.

Contracte inteligente & Blockchain
Tehnologia Blockchain este utilizată pe scară largă în procesele de afaceri Midex, ceea ce face imposibilă înlocuirea sau pierderea datelor financiare.
Utilizarea contractelor Smart face ca Midex să fie un garant și imparțial pentru îndeplinirea obligațiilor față de utilizatorii sistemului.

Cât de mult voi câștiga?
Midex distribuie o parte din comisioanele de operațiuni ale schimbului și ale altor furnizori de servicii Midex zilnic, proporțional cu miza lor.
Valoarea dvs. de jetoane 1000
24h Volumul GDAX
Exchange 47242.56 BTC
Estimăm venitul pe 24 de ore 2.4752 dolari
Pentru a număra venitul estimat din mărcile Midex, trageți în interiorul unui cadru cantitatea de jetoane și alegeți un eșantion de schimb cu un volum de tranzacționare dorit.
Vom plăti astfel de bonusuri. Și este legal legal.
Respectăm cu strictețe toate reglementările și regulile. Toate informațiile despre funcțiile Tokensale găsiți în Termenii și condițiile noastre.

Alocarea de cote și de fonduri
=> Titularii de titular 65%
Pentru a număra venitul estimat din mărcile Midex, trageți în interiorul unui cadru cantitatea de jetoane și alegeți un eșantion de schimb cu un volum de tranzacționare dorit.
=> Echipa 20%
Cea de-a cincea parte a jetoanelor emise va fi folosită pentru echipa Midex. Toate jetoanele distribuite vor fi înghețate timp de 1 an pentru a controla aprovizionarea totală a pieței.
=> Consilieri și ambasadori 7%
Experții internaționali ne ajută să devenim mai buni.
=> Toate Bounties 8%
Bounties sunt instrumente populare pentru a acorda atenție societății proiectului.

=> Marketing 10%
Relații publice. Programe de loialitate. Noua atracție a utilizatorilor.
=> Legal 10%
Licențiere. Complience. Audit.
=> Dezvoltare 20%
Dezvoltarea produselor financiare. Dezvoltarea tehnică.
=> Operațiuni 10%
Procesarea bancilor. Furnizarea de servicii internaționale pentru clienți. Integrarea soluțiilor tehnice pe platformă.
=> Lichiditate 50%
Jumătate din investițiile colectate vor fi utilizate pentru a face lichid de schimb. Schimbul ar trebui să aibă o lichiditate ridicată din primele zile ale activității sale operaționale pentru a atrage noi utilizatori.

Midex Roadmap
➤ S-a făcut deja
Schimbul de criptocuritate
Serviciu de schimb
Citate agregator
➤ Dezvoltare în curs
Piața P2Predit
Gestionarea activelor
Acceptarea plăților
Trading API
Aplicații mobile
PI liensense
Participarea la SWIFT
➤ Dezvoltare în curs
Licență bancară
Salvarea conturilor
Decontarea conturilor
Eliberarea cardurilor din plastic
Gestionarea activelor
Crypto Exchange agregare
➤ Q2, 2019 Gata pentru investiții
Crearea monedei Midex
Program educațional
Sistemul MidexSecure
Rețeaua de comerț social
➤ Q4, 2019 Gata pentru investiții
Venture investment
Servicii de brokeraj
ICO Marketplace
➤ 2020 Gata pentru investiții
Asigurari premium

Rețea de tranzacționare socială

Contactați-ne :
Site-ul oficial | Hârtie albă | Telegramă | Facebook | stare de nervozitate | milostivire

Autor : kartasi
Eth : 0x73bBf76D7499Ca2A930095355184b798b2c31C5A

Sunday, March 18, 2018


Hasil gambar untuk HONOR ico bounty

What is HONOR?

HONOR coin (symbol : HONR) is a token based on Ethereum blockchain technology. It is the main feature in the new Jubs platform described in this project. Users who have HONOR can exchange them for contracting services, earn them on the Jubs platform, use them in additional services aimed at registered professionals or exchange them with fiduciary currencies in the partner exchanges.

The New Work Experience

For future generations, self-employment will be the new career, services will be the new job, and crypto, the new currency. We from the Jubs platform through the utilitarian cryptocurrency Honor, we establish a new concept of work experience and informal career recognition, previously offered only by career paths of large centralized organizations.

The Informal Linkedin

We break the limits of the formal labor market. Acting as an informal reputation validation system in a transparent, appropriate and immutable way, the Jubs platform allows you, as a professional, to have the opportunity to validate your informal experiences previously neglected by the traditional market.

The Uber of the Services

As a client, you benefit by quickly finding trusted professionals within your own network of friends and region to outsource simple tasks or even to perform services that require qualification and complexity, with the assurance that the services will be executed with excellence or that you will have your money back.

A Payment Hub

As customers, using the platform-integrated Jubs portfolio, we can pay for professional services in any crypto-currency, fiduciary currency, or up to 12x on the credit card. In the professional position, we receive the amount paid for spot work up to 3 business days after completion in Honor or cash.

The Smart Contracts

Say goodbye to service frauds, late payments and false warranties. With Jubs, you can pre-define service contracts or informal jobs that act independently and transparently in a simple, fast and secure way, ensuring transactions and good relationships of trust between clients and professionals.

Using their HONOR tokens, Jubs professionals can offer extended warranty
Through the rewards machine, professional Jubs are stimulated or punished according to their level of quality
Users with high reputation in the Jubs platform are remunerated to arbitrate possible conflicts between clients and professionals


Supported by a robust platform that makes it increasingly valuable, growing in value proportionately as the platform grows.
Token Sale start : 15 January 2018
End of Token Sale : 19 March 2018
Hardcap : USD 15 MI
Total Number of Tokens : HONR 100.000.000
Token Price : USD 0,15
Currency Accepted : ETH
Project Protocol : ETH, ERC 20

Token Distribution :

Hasil gambar untuk HONOR ico bounty

Return Routes For Their Holders

Through the tokens repurchase plan of the Jubs platform in partner exchanges as a fundamental part of the operation of the platform.
You may use your tokens on the Jubs platform as hiring services of registered professionals or in assets related to your professional activity.

How can invest in HONOR token?

During the launch dates / contribution period, you can send your ETH to the smart contract that will be released soon to receive your HNR tokens automatically.
Once you’ve submitted your ETH to our address, our smart contract will automatically calculate the amount of HNR tokens by sending them directly to your wallet. To provide maximum security and efficiency, all transactions are carried out under smart contracts from the Ethereum network.
  • ONLY send ETH from ERC20 compatible portfolios like MyEtherWallet, Mist, Metamask or Parity. DO NOT send from exchanges like CoinBase or Poloniex because you will lose your funds.
  • By submitting your ETH to Jubs, you confirm that you have read and agree to the HONOR token Terms and Conditions of Sale.

Hasil gambar untuk HONOR ico bounty


2016 Validation
Formation of the Heterogeneous Team
Market and UX Study
Research & Development

2017 Birth & Standardization
Release Jubs 1.0 Platform
Acceleration at Inovativa Brasil
Integration of the Jubs Wallet
HONOR token integration
Product Market Fit – First Subscribers

2018 Leverage
Token HONOR Initial Offer
Rewards Engine Implementation
Expansion Brazil – Marketing
Token HONOR in Exchanges Partners
Launch of 2.0 Jubs Platform
Blockchain-based TokenID implementation
Implementation of Contracts
Services Smart Contracts

2019 Consolidation
Implementation of the Participants Court
Implementation of Civil Liability Insurance
Consolidation in the Brazilian Market
Instant Coin Conversion

2020 Expansion
Internationalization for Latin America
R & D in interaction with the Internet of Things
Expansion Marketing in Foreign Markets
Beginning of a New Cycle

For More Information :
Website : https://honor.appjubs.com/
White paper : https://honor.appjubs.com/#
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/appjubs/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/appjubs/
Bounty : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2632451.0

Author : kartasi
Profil link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1752427
Eth : 0x73bBf76D7499Ca2A930095355184b798b2c31C5A

Thursday, March 15, 2018



What is BETEX?
Betex is a leading-edge platform for P2P financial derivatives trading. It enables users to place bets on future changes against each other.
As a platform provider, we cannot engage in betting. Thus, there is no way for us to benefit from it. We only profit from collecting service fees.
Built with Blockchain technology, unlike traditional platforms, Betex provides access to real-time data, thereby, ensuring absolute transparency of its system.
Determined to reinvent financial derivatives market, we strive to instill incorruptible business logic that would conclusively eliminate the issue of trust.

➤ Transparency
Blockchain technology provides open access to information at all times, thereby, ensuring fully transparent process, accurate data records and equal terms for everyone.
➤ Provable fairness
Since we are not betting, there is no reason for us to manipulate results. Whatever is the outcome of your bet, we get to profit from collecting service fees.
➤ Common pool of liquidity
The goal is to consolidate maximum liquidity from the derivative markets through forming one common pool of liquidity for each trading asset, instead of creating multiple tiny ones.
➤ White label for brokers
We use the white label model to build solutions and provide services that allow minimizing entry and setup costs as well as help brokers launch their business in no time.
➤ Instant payouts
Payments are automatically released by smart contracts straight to your ETH wallet, ensuring immediate withdrawals without delays or cancellations.
➤ No deposits
Platform users get instant access to all of its functions and features without having to make any kind of deposits first.

Business model
We designed a radically new business model to shift user mindset from worrying about the integrity of platform providers to focusing on own capacity to make profit.
Betex is the only platform, where as much as 95% of funds are distributed among traders, who succeed.
Besides, we are forming a large common pool of liquidity for each underlying asset in order to maximize users’ gain.
Powered by Ethereum smart contracts, Betex brings undisputable transparency, fair conduct and auditable results to Binary Options trading.

Betex ICO
Penjualan token gantung mulai tanggal 1 Maret 2018
Mulai dari ICO : 01.03.18 jam 12 : 00 GMT
Akhir dari ICO : 31.03.18 atau 3.000.000 token BETEX terjual habis
Harga token ICO BETEX : $ 3,00
Jumlah maksimal token yang akan dijual : 3.000.000 dari 10.000.000 (30%)
Topi keras ICO : $ 9.000.000
Min pembelian jumlah : 0,5 ETH atau 0,05 BTC

Hasil gambar untuk betex bounty

Betex MVP
We built two versions of the platform to provide you with a better understanding of the concept behind a common pool of liquidity and to demonstrate how it actually works.
GoBet.io or Betex.io


  • Quarter 4, 2017

Launch and testing of the p2p binary options platform (MVP) in the test net;
Pre-sale of BETEX tokens in accordance with SAFT;
Audit of the platform‟s smart contracts;
Web interface design of the section for p2p sports betting;

  • Quarter 1, 2018

Obtaining a license for betting;
Commercial launch of Betex, the p2p binary options platform;
Development of the available trading pairs list;
Launch and testing of the MVP‟s section for p2p sports betting in the test net;
Development and testing of the mobile app for Android/iOS;
Development and testing of the desktop client application;
Development of a section with statistics;
Development of a personal cabinet for BETEX token holders;

  • Quarter 2, 2018

Commercial launch of the section for p2p sports betting;
Connection of the first brokers to the platform;
Development of an API for trading bots;
Launch of the mobile app for Android/iOS;
Running the desktop client application;
Generation of BETEX tokens;
Distribution of BETEX tokens among pre-sale participants;
Distribution of the accumulated profit among owners of BETEX tokens;

  • Quarter 3, 2018

Registration of the BETEX token in the SEC;
The main stage of BETEX token sale;
Development and connection of the FIX API;
Development of the section for p2p betting on irregular events;

  • Quarter 4, 2018

Network scaling and/or transfer to a more efficient blockchain;
Launch of the section for p2p betting on irregular events;

  • Quarter 1, 2019

Global market expansion & adaptation;
Project's break even.

For More Information : 
Website : https://betexlab.com/
Whitepaper : https://betexlab.com/betex-wp.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/betex_ico
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Betex-Lab-108138139938618/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/betex_tokens

Author : kartasi
Eth : 0x73bBf76D7499Ca2A930095355184b798b2c31C5A

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

QUIFAS Xchange

Hasil gambar untuk QUIFAS

What is Quifas?
Quifas is a secure innovative cryptocurrency exchange built for the people. It is user friendly, highly scalable, ultra-fast and offers exceptional customer service.

Current problems
In order to create a new cryptocurrency exchange capable of taking a leading position amongst existing competitors, a careful analysis of their current problems was undertaken. It can be stated that practically all functioning cryptocurrency exchanges and their users run into a list of serious problems. As new investors are flooding the market, the current exchanges are having difficulties keeping up with the huge demand and many of them are closing the doors to new investors. Below are some of the main difficulties that current exchanges and their users are facing.
  1. Lack of Customer Service
  2. Inadequate Infrastructure to Scale
  3. Security Breaches
  4. Low Withdrawal Limits
  5. Delayed Account Upgrades
  6. Liquidity Issues
  7. Inefficient Multilingual Support

Quifas Solution
Quifas is an innovative cryptocurrency exchange, which will eliminate current market issues. Users will have access to a very intuitive interface on the platform, and the exchange’s staff will provide efficient support services in regards to all queries. Support will be provided in a language convenient to users. The integration of the newest technological solutions will allow Quifas to execute up to 2.5 million transactions per second. This will ensure that the system will operate at full capacity
even during peak load times. Aside from this, Quifas cares for the security of its users and is taking all of the necessary measures in order to protect their funds from hackers and scammers. All of this combined with new, unique solutions will allow Quifas to become one of the best exchanges on the market.
  1. Quifas Goal
  2. Quifas Functionality
  3. Revenue Generation

Quifas Tokensale

  • Platform : Ethereum (ERC-20 Token)
  • Start of token sale : 9 March
  • Soft cap : 3 000 000 USD
  • Tokens issued : 200 000 000 QFS tokens
  • Hard cap : 35 000 000 USD
  • Basic Price of 1 QFS token : 0.40 USD
  • Payment method : BTC and ETH
  • Minimum contribution : 0.1 ETH

Distribution of raised funds

  • Quifas Platform Development - 40%

40% of the funds generated during token sale will be used for the development of the quifas exchange platform. This will enable us build a scalable, highly secure, world class platform with a friendly user interface that will support multi-platforms such as Web, iOS, Android on PC, Mac, Tablets and Smartphones while offering traders unique features such as trailing stops, trailing profit targets, simultaneous entry of buy orders, stop loss and take profit, market news section.

  • Marketing, PR and Branding - 30%

30% of the funds generated during the token sale will be used for marketing public relations and branding of the exchange. This will help in the acquisition of new customers, customer retention.

  • Liquidity Fund - 20%

20% of the funds generated during the token sale will be held in reserve for contingencies and other miscellaneous or unforeseen expenses that might arise. targets, simultaneous entry of buy orders, stop loss and take profit, market news section.

  • Legal - 10%

10% of the funds generated during the token sale will be held for ongoing legal advice.

Token Holders Benefits:

  • Zero Trading Fee

Token holders will be able to use Quifas token (QFS) to buy other crypto assets on the Quifas exchange with zero trading fees

  • Trading Fee Discount

Holders of QFS tokens will be entitled to discount on trading fees on the exchange.

  • Listing of new coins

Our exchange is focused on serving the people's needs, therefore QFS Token holders will have a say on which coins get listed on the exchange.

As a result of this surge, there has been a huge demand of cryptocurrency exchange platforms by users in order to be able to invest and/or trade cryptocurrencies. The current state shows that many of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges have struggled in dealing with the abrupt surge in demand for their services. For instance, one of the biggest exchanges added over 250,000 users in one hour after temporarily restoring registration for new users while some added an average of 100,000 new users per day in the last quarter of 2017.

Some exchanges have overhauled their systems to improve their scalability, while others have temporarily stopped opening new user accounts. Nearly all exchanges have had to grapple with periodic outages and performance issues during the more than 10-fold increase in the price of bitcoin and the price of other digital currencies.

This opens a huge opportunity to launch a new trading platform with unique functionalities to help with the surge in the demand.


For more information :
Telegram : https://t.me/Quifas

Author : kartasi
Eth : 0x73bBf76D7499Ca2A930095355184b798b2c31C5A