What is QUANTUM1Net?
The RSA cryptography platform is now 40 years old. While it has served well in securing the Internet and digital communications, its days are numbered. The rise of quantum computing is a threat for RSA and other forms of encryption. It will provide tools which will make it feasible for hackers to crack these mechanisms.
Quantum computers exploit the unique properties of microscopic world, superposition and entanglement, to perform calculations much more efficiently than ordinary computers. This way, they can complete tasks in minutes or hours which would take today’s best devices up to billions of years. This poses a real risk for our digital lives, as most encryption methods exploit this relative slowness of classical computers to make our data safe.
At Quantum1Net we have developed a new solution for these up and coming problems. Quantum mechanics allows for the generation of intrinsically random sequences of numbers. These lie in the heart of our Quantum Encrypted Key Generation (QEKG) technology, which will allow for secure storage and transfer of data. It will provide level of complexity in cryptographic key generation that is not possible by traditional means, protecting data even from quantum computers.
Quantum1Net’s Mission
Innovation is what drives the Quantum1Net team, we are determined to create incredibly powerful technology, make it accessible, relevant, and ultimately personal. Quantum1Net’s mission is to create technology that enables and empowers. We have designed a product so secure that you don’t need to worry now or in the future about the security of your data. We are introducing an unparalleled level of technical innovation, combined with a system design that connects with the user to provide critical security, ease of use, and peace of mind. Each year, Quantum1Net plans to reinvest around 20% of its revenue into research and development of new network security solutions to improve transmissions options for people around the world suffering from insecure data transmission. This will make Quantum1Net a significantly research-intensive enterprise.
Quantum1Net Tokens
Our token offerings play a key role in the success of Quantum1Net. As a startup, we’d rather not have our token buyers sit and wait. Thus, the decision has been made to offer convertible tokens just hours after our initial token sales end. As mentioned previously, the early convertible token release funds development efforts, while our second token offering will show proof-of-concept of Quantum1Net, as those tokens will be protected by quantum encryption techniques.


ICO Timeline
1st token sale: Silver tokenEthereum-based
Convertible to Gold Token with a 20% bonus
Sale capped at 15 million
Supports move to new office to centralize development
Hiring new developers to meet July 2018 limited Quantum1Net release
2nd token sale: Gold token (closed)
Bitcoin-based, include QEK
Silver Token investors get priority
Sale capped at 18 million
Offer proof-of-concept of our QEK, this token will include quantum encryption
Supports development of hardware and file transmission platform
3rd token sale: Gold token (open)
Bitcoin-based, QE enabled
Silver Token investors that converted in July 2018 sale can participate at 5% discount
Sale capped at 200 million
Supports Quantium1Net long term
Supports development and use outside of cryptocurrency

For more information :
Website : https://quantum1net.com/
Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2679451.0
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/quantum1net
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Quantum1Net
Author : kartasi
Eth : 0x73bBf76D7499Ca2A930095355184b798b2c31C5A